LWV Response to SCOTUS on Roe v. Wade

The Supreme Court ruling  overturning  Roe v. Wade and Planned Parenthood v. Casey is a watershed moment for America, deeply affecting not just the fate of women and every person who gets pregnant in this country, but every single person. We know this weighs heavily on the minds of our members and the people in our community.

We are in a fight to make sure everyone has the power to control their own bodies, lives, and futures. Our national organization has and will continue to advocate consistently, persistently, and effectively on this issue. Beyond that, your LWVPDX Board of Directors wants to boldly proclaim that democracy needs women. Because human rights, reproductive rights, and democratic representation are not separate issues. Because in order for a democracy to fulfill its purpose, it must be for the people and therefore by the people — all of the people.

You can read the statement by LWVUS on the this ruling here. Know that you are not alone. Through the League, you are working for positive change.

LWV in the 2022 Grand Floral Parade

On June 11, the League of Women Voters participated as a Special Entry in the Rose Festival Grand Floral Parade . League members from Portland and Clackamas County and friends were celebrating the 102nd anniversary of the 19th Amendment granting American women the right to vote. They dressed in white – the color worn by women suffragists more than a century ago – and wore “Votes for Women” sashes. Since its founding, the League of Women Voters has worked to promote democracy and  improve governmental policies. Information on this website demonstrates the many ways the League continues to support voters and advocate for better policies. 2022 is also the 102nd anniversary of the founding of the League of Women Voters.

Gun Safety for all Oregonians

As we all know, gun violence has reached a crisis point in our state and in the nation. You can help make Oregon a safer place for children, racial minorities – and all of us. You can sign and help gather signatures for Initiative Petition 17, a statewide gun safety initiative sponsored by Lift Every Voice Oregon (LEVO) and endorsed by the League of Women Voters of Oregon.

The initiative is now in the signature-gathering phase with the goal of placing it on the November ballot. The campaign is relying heavily on volunteer support, and we are asking our members and friends for their help before the July 6 deadline.

ACTION REQUESTED: Please go to www.lifteveryvoiceoregon.com.
  • If you’d like to download and sign a one-signature petition sheet, please click “Sign Initiative Petition from Home.” After signing, you must also complete the circulator information at the bottom before mailing to the address provided.
  • If you’re willing to gather multiple signatures, click “Train to Gather Signatures” and follow the instructions provided.
  • Please get the word out to friends and family members about IP 17 and how they can be part of the solution to prevent gun violence.


Here’s a brief summary of the initiative:
  • Requires a permit-to-purchase for all firearm purchases, which includes classroom and live-fire safety training. This is the gold standard for gun safety regulations and has a proven track record of reducing gun violence where enacted.
  • Requires a background check before purchasing a firearm, and no sale is complete before the check is completed.
  • Includes an improved database system to assist the tracking of guns that are lost, stolen, or used to commit crimes.
  • Prohibits the manufacture, sale, transfer, and possession of magazines over 10 rounds, with exceptions for law enforcement and military. Nine states and D.C. have already enacted such bans.

Primary Election May 17, 2022

Thank you for voting and your interest in the election.

Click here to view the Multnomah Co. and statewide results. The results will be certified on June 13.

LWV printed  voters’ guides

The League of Women Voters prepared reliable nonpartisan voting resources for the 2022 Primary Election.  Look on the May 17 Primary Election page for information about the candidates. Gresham voters can find the information about the ballot measure they passed.

Haga clic aqui para leer en línea LA GUÍA DEL VOTANTE 2022.


The last day to register to vote or to change your party affiliation was Tuesday, April 26. Only voters registered as Republicans or Democrats could vote on the candidates running in their party’s primaries. All registered voters could vote on nonpartisan races in their election districts.


Climate on an International Scale: Notes from COP26

LWV of Portland Zoom Panel Discussion with LWV members who were at the 2021 UN Climate Conference

WATCH THE VIDEO by clicking below!

Here is the link to the podcast of this program.

MORE ABOUT THIS PROGRAM: The UN’s Climate Conference—the “Conference of the Parties” or COP—is  the official meeting of member states who signed the UN’s climate treaty.  Every year, the parties to the treaty, including the U.S., meet and negotiate various aspects of the treaty.

Seven League of Women Voters members from around the U.S. attended the November 2021 Climate Conference in Glasgow. We heard from five of them on Wednesday, March 9.  The panelists discussed:

    • an Overview of COP26
    • Transparency
    • Indigenous Peoples
    • the Sustainability Innovation Forum, and
    • Finance
    • Gender and Climate

The panel included:

    • Robin Tokmakian, UN Observer for Climate Change for LWVUS; LWV of Portland member
    • Carol Parker, North San Diego LWV
    • Toni Monette, co-president of the Nebraska LWV
    • Ashley Raveche, LWV California
    • Cynthia Bell, Hudson Valley, NY LWV

MetroEast Community Media records Portland League programs for rebroadcast and online streaming from lwvpdx.org. Funding is provided by the Carol & Velma Saling Foundation.