LWV of Portland Zoom Panel Discussion with LWV members who were at the 2021 UN Climate Conference
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MORE ABOUT THIS PROGRAM: The UN’s Climate Conference—the “Conference of the Parties” or COP—is the official meeting of member states who signed the UN’s climate treaty. Every year, the parties to the treaty, including the U.S., meet and negotiate various aspects of the treaty.
Seven League of Women Voters members from around the U.S. attended the November 2021 Climate Conference in Glasgow. We heard from five of them on Wednesday, March 9. The panelists discussed:
- an Overview of COP26
- Transparency
- Indigenous Peoples
- the Sustainability Innovation Forum, and
- Finance
- Gender and Climate
The panel included:
- Robin Tokmakian, UN Observer for Climate Change for LWVUS; LWV of Portland member
- Carol Parker, North San Diego LWV
- Toni Monette, co-president of the Nebraska LWV
- Ashley Raveche, LWV California
- Cynthia Bell, Hudson Valley, NY LWV
MetroEast Community Media records Portland League programs for rebroadcast and online streaming from lwvpdx.org. Funding is provided by the Carol & Velma Saling Foundation.