Join LWV or Renew Your Membership

Become a member and help us with: Empowering Voters. Defending democracy.

New Members: Anyone age 16 and over is eligible to join the League. We invite all people in Multnomah County to join us, including but not only women voters. The LWV is a grassroots organization. We work on local, state and national elections and government policies. Members may fully participate in League activities and help decide on League priorities. Some  meetings and activities are open only to members and invited guests.

Renewing Members: Each year in July, current members receive a reminder about renewing their memberships. However, new members who join after February 1 have paid their dues through June of the following year.


Members receive:
  • a monthly newsletter, the Voter.
  • comprehensive voting information before every election
  • invitations to meetings with leaders in the Portland community
  • the chance to join a “Discussion Unit”  (small discussion groups of members who discuss current issues and influence LWV policies and priorities). Read more about these Discussion Unit groups here.
  • opportunities to study issues in depth as part of an official LWV Interest Group or a formal LWV Study. Read about LWV Studies here.
  • the chance to be part of a League-sponsored Interest Group to learn about a particular issue. Currently there are three LWVPDX Interest Groups.  They focus on Housing issues, Justice and Police Accountability, and Public School Education.
  • mentoring to sharpen our skills for learning, communicating, and advocating about public policies in our communities, state and nation.


For the 2023-24 fiscal year, beginning July  1, 2023, LWV of Portland membership dues are $80/person or $120/tw0-person household. Subsidized individual memberships are $45 for those who cannot afford $80. All high school, college or university student memberships are $5.

Each year in July, current members receive a reminder about renewing their memberships. However, new members who join after February 1 have paid their dues through June of the following year.

Membership dues are not tax-deductible. They help pay for our services for members, office expenses, and advocacy and educational activities.

To join by mail as a new member or to renew your membership by mail, please print and fill out our print Membership Form. You are invited to also tell us about your interests by completing a short Participation Form and our Volunteer Interest Form.

Mail these forms with your check to: LWV of Portland, PO Box 3491, Portland OR 97208-3491

When you join online via PayPal or credit card, please fill out the online form with your contact information and interests in participating and volunteering.  (Note: the amount shown by PayPal includes a ~4% fee that is added by PayPal.)

Select Membership Type


We invite YOU to volunteer to help with our projects, both large and small! Check the activities that interest you on the printable Volunteer Interest Form, or click here to volunteer online with our  Participation and Volunteer Interest Form. You will have the opportunity to sharpen your skills in leadership, communications, research, public speaking and more. We are very grateful to the volunteers who help us with education and/or advocacy to improve our communities and our democracy.

Donations support us beyond what your dues cover

Please consider a donation to LWVPDX beyond your membership dues. A large part of your dues supports the important work of the League of Women Voters of the United States and the League of Women Voters of Oregon. Only $17.50 of an individual’s $80 remains in Portland.

You can add an extra donation to your check if you join or renew your membership by mail. If you join online, please consider donating online by visiting our Donate page. Or click on the Donate buttons in the sidebar on the right.

Gift memberships

To give a friend or family member a gift membership, please click Gift Memberships in LWV Portland. Some gift memberships also may be available to members who cannot otherwise afford to join.

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