Why We Supported Charter Reform

The League’s top priorities are good government and fair elections! Measure 26-228 on Charter Reform will promote BOTH better government and fairer elections for Portland.

The League of Women Voters of Portland is one of 50 civic organizations that supported the Charter Reform ballot measure. In-depth two-year studies by the Portland League, the LWV of Oregon, and Leagues in other states persuaded us that the proposed changes will substantially improve Portland’s government structure and the way we elect our city officials.

TOP-TEN REASONS For Supporting Charter Reform (Click here to learn more about each one)

    1. The reforms create a separation of powers. The powers of the Councilors and Mayor are balanced.
    2. Portland’s City Council will be more effective, responsive and representative.
    3. Management by a professional City Administrator, supervised by the Mayor, will improve operations of city services and bureaus.
    4. Voters will have more choices and more power to elect government officials who represent them.
    5. Ranked Choice Voting is an easy, proven way to vote. It’s used in other countries and increasingly in the U.S.
    6. By electing three city councilors from four geographic districts, we can have both geographic and proportional representation.
    7. An Independent District Commission will draw district boundaries.
    8. An Independent Salary Commission will set salaries for elected officials.
    9. The benefits more than justify the costs.
    10. These proposals were developed by a diligent, transparent Charter Review Commission.

See through the “confusion”smokescreen. Click here for the real story.

Read our explanation about How Ranked Choice Voting Works.

LWVPDX is in good company. Click here to learn about other Measure 26-228 supporters

League of Women Voters of Portland Endorses 2022 Charter Amendment

Portland City Hall by M.O. Stevens – Own work, CC BY-SA 3.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=10470949
It is time to make Portland’s government more responsive, representative and effective.

At its June 29 meeting, the LWVPDX board voted to endorse the Portland Charter Commission’s proposed amendments to the City Charter. After in-depth studies of Portland’s government and of alternative voting methods,  LWVPDX concluded that the proposed amendments will substantially improve our city government. The amendments will be included in a ballot measure for the November 8, 2022, General Election.

The main charter reform proposals are to:
    • Elect candidates using ranked choice voting.
    • Increase the size of the  City Council to 12 members, electing three members each from four new geographic districts.
    • Establish City Council as a legislative body, without its current administrative responsibilities.  
    • Elect the Mayor citywide to run day-to-day operations along with a professional City Administrator.
Why approve these changes?
    • Proportional ranked choice voting can allow voters to elect a more representative council.  A significant majority of voters will be able to elect city councilors who represent their interests and concerns.
    • District elections with proportional ranked choice voting give Portlanders the power to elect a City Council that reflects the population they serve.
    • A larger City Council will be more responsive to our growing city population. Our population is more than 3 times larger than it was when the current 4-member council (plus the mayor) was established.
    • A legislative city council without administrative responsibilities can devote more time to setting policies and responding to constituent concerns.
    • Delegating the administrative duties to the Mayor and a professional City Administrator provides more effective management of bureaus.
    • Separating the legislative and administrative functions of government allows more accountability. The public knows who is responsible for policy-making, appropriations, and spending.

Learn more about the Charter Commission and LWVPDX’s advocacy with the Commission here. In the next few months, look for more information about how these changes would benefit Portland.

LWV and Advocacy

As a non-profit organization, LWVPDX balances advocacy and voter information.  LWVPDX’s advocacy arm can endorse a campaign or advocate on an issue.  LWVPDX’s voter services provide balanced, objective informational resources about all sides of a campaign. Across all its work, LWV is nonpartisan and will never support or oppose a candidate or party.

Defending Democracy Series – Ranked Choice Voting

The LWV of Portland is cosponsoring a series of webinars organized by the Piedmont California League. We are one of eight League cosponsors from around the US. The February webinar in this Defending Democracy Series featured Rob Richie speaking on ranked choice voting. Portland LWV President Debbie Kaye introduced Richie, who is the President of FairVote.

You can view the recording of this webinar by clicking the arrow on the image below.