2018 Local Convention

League of Women Voters of Portland members who participated in our May 9 Local Convention heard a very informative talk by Sue Hildick (formerly of The Chalkboard Project), elected a new Board for 2018-19, approved the 2018-19 budget and helped raise almost $12,000 for our Education Fund.


This was our annual membership business meeting. Click below to view the 2018 Convention Handbook including the board and committee reports for 2017-18.

2018 Local Convention Handbook Final 5.23.18

Below are some more photos from the event.


Speaker Sue Hildick (center) answered questions about Oregon’s public education system from LWV Civic Education Chair Marion McNamara (left) and Education Interest Group Chair Nancy Donovan (right).



Budget Chair Betsy Pratt explained the 2018-19 Budget to members. Betsy also reported on the progress of our Study Committee on Portland’s City Government. The committee will prepare a report about their research, which will be available in the spring of 2019.





Ted and Debbie Kaye encouraged members to

“Meet the Match!” and “Vote for the League!”


Members also bid on beautiful baskets to help Meet the Match.









Volunteer Coordinator Paulette Meyer asked all members who volunteered during the year to stand to be recognized. Over 100 volunteers were listed in the program!


Voters’ Guide Editor (2010-present) and Nominating Committee Chair Peggy Bengry was honored as our Volunteer of the Year.









Some of the new board members elected for 2018-19.

To see photos and bios for all the continuing and newly elected board members, click here.


Members enjoyed some social time before the convention began.