• Talking Points about Small Donor Elections (SDE):
    • I am a Portland voter (if not, you can say you support democracy reform programs
    like SDE).
    • Please prioritize fully funding the Small Donor Elections program.
    • This year is unique because we will be filling 14 city offices rather than three. For a
    relatively small additional investment, City Council can ensure the program
    functions as intended.
    • Fully funding SDE would mean the city will be able provide 100 percent of the
    matching funds that each candidate earns.
    • Adequate funding gives candidates the resources they need to get their message
    out, engage with the community, and give voters the information they need to make
    informed decisions.
    • SDE empowers voters to support their preferred candidates by increasing the
    impact of their donations.
    • This is a relatively small increase in the city budget for a big impact on electing a
    more representative city council to lead our newly adopted form of government.