The Purpose and Process
Purpose: With “program planning,” we ask League members about their priorities for League activities in the following year. For the League, “program” means “those issues impacted by government and chosen by members for concerted study and action.” There are many important issues on which the League could have an impact. During program planning, League members decide which issues most deserve our time and efforts.
Process: In January 2022, Portland League members will meet online to discuss seven sets of current issues. These topics all have important implications for the future of our communities and country. There are LWV of the United States and LWV of Portland advocacy positions which apply to each set of issues.
During the online discussions, groups of members will decide whether or not our advocacy positions adequately address the issues. They also will consider whether any positions need to be restudied. If no position covers an issue, members can propose a new study. Then, their recommendations will be sent to the LWVUS and LWVPDX Boards of Directors. League members will vote upon the various proposals at conventions in May and June.
To learn more about the discussions, read the information below. Portland League members may participate in as many of the online discussion meetings as they want.
If you are a LWVPDX member, you may register for 2022 Program Planning discussions by clicking here.
Possible Recommendations
In addition to making recommendations about the advocacy positions and new studies, the discussion groups can propose various LWV activities. For example, they can propose topics for focused League advocacy, civic education events and interest groups. In January or February, Portland League members may also suggest Bylaw amendments and nominees for the LWVPDX Board.
Definitions for Program Planning Terms
Some of the words we use for Program Planning need explanations. For example, what is an “interest group” or a “position”? What is the difference between an “update” and a “restudy”? To read the definitions for League Program Planning terms, click here.
The Online Meeting Schedule and Sets of Issues
To read the LWVUS and LWVPDX positions for each group discussion, open the “Resources” links.
LWVPDX members may register for one or more of the 2022 Program Planning discussions by clicking here.
What Happens Next?
Recommendations from the Discussion Groups will be published in the Voter newsletter and forwarded to the LWVPDX and LWVUS Boards. Then the Boards will recommend proposals they believe members should adopt. However, at conventions in May or June, the members or their delegates will make the final decisions about the positions and new studies. Below is a flowchart showing the steps in the 2022 Program Planning Process.
Read more about Annual Program Planning here. Read about our 2021 Program Planning here.