April 4 Panel Discussion on Mental Health, Housing, and Homelessness

View the Video of Our Zoom Webinar by clicking below.

You can listen to the podcast by clicking here.

The panel of community leaders discussed chronic homelessness as a public health issue. They explained how they are trying to provide health care and shelter to people with mental illness and/or addiction, and the need for more shelters, and supportive affordable low-income housing.  

The panel included: 

Jill Kahnert, Certified Alcohol and Drug Counselor, retired from Central City Concern.


Jason Renaud, LWVPDX League member, and Voluntary Managing Director of the Mental Health Association of Portland


Scott Kerman, Executive Director, Blanchet House


Rachael Duke, Executive Director of Community Partners for Affordable Housing


This program may be viewed on public access television channels at the   times listed below.

Electric Vehicles: Can They Deliver on Their Promise?

The video is now available for the March 1st webinar of Dr. Dan Sperling’s talk about the impact of Electric Vehicles (EVs) on carbon reduction. Find out what it will take for EVs to make a measurable difference in greenhouse gas reduction. We are cosponsoring this program with the League of Women Voters of Piedmont, California. To learn more about Dr. Sperling, visit the LWV Piedmont page.

We also co-sponsored the LWV of Piedmont event on the health effects of heat. The recording of that webinar on heat is here.

Valentine’s Day and Our Birthday!

Valentine’s Day is also the League’s birthday! Show your love for the League with a gift today, and you will always be our Valentine!

Our hearts would be glad if you would go to our giving webpage and donate online once or with a monthly donation – or mail a check. And to make your money go twice as far, don’t forget to ask your employer to match your gift.