Forty-eight League members attended the 2020 Program Planning  Party  on  January 11, 2020.

Read the results of their discussions here. 

What is “program Planning”?

Every January, League members do “program planning” for the following year. “Program” is the League term for issues that members have chosen for study and action, as well as for education events. Program planning involves reviewing the League’s advocacy positions to consider:

      •  whether they need to be restudied or updated,
      • how we could use them to influence public policies on current issues and
      • whether we should examine the issues with an interest group or with a public panel discussion.

The Planning Process

In 2020, Portland League members reviewed the advocacy positions of the LWVUS and LWVPDX.  We began with a membership “party” on January 11. Grouped at tables, members discussed some positions in depth. The chosen positions apply to current issues in the news.

There were six tables. Click on the links below to read the positions that apply to each table’s topic.

In addition to considering position updates and advocacy, members proposed educational events and interest groups that might be organized on each topic. Click here to read their proposals.

next steps

After the Program Planning Party, our member “Discussion Unit” groups discussed all the tables’ proposals. The Units reviewed and commented on all the LWVUS and LWVPDX positions. The results then were forwarded to the LWVUS and the LWV of Portland Boards. The recommendations for the Portland League were summarized and sent to all members in April. Here are the Program recommendations sent to LWVPDX members.

At the Annual Membership Meeting conducted online via Zoom on May 12, 2020, the members voted to retain all the current LWVPDX advocacy positions. They also voted to change the scope of the proposed study of Police Accountability. Then they adopted the revised plan for the study. You can read the adopted plan for Police Accountability study here. Work on the study began immediately with the goal of having a study report to send members in the winter 0f 2021.

Read the positions here or click on the links below.

Summary of the LWVUS positions from Impact on Issues

LWVPDX positions (including the new City Government position approved by the Board on January 6, 2020.)