On Tuesday, June 4, we celebrated the 100th anniversary of the US Senate’s approval of the 19th Amendment. This amendment to the US Constitution says, “”The right of citizens…to vote shall not be denied…on account of sex.” It became effective on August 26, 1920, after three fourths of the states ratified it. During the next year, the Smithsonian’s National Museum of American History will be sharing stories on social media using the hashtag #19thAt100. The League of Women Voters will explore the full history of 19th Amendment. We know that it was an incomplete victory. For many women, the fight for suffrage continued. Even now, the League is continuing our work to protect the voting rights of all Americans.
LWV History
On February 14, 2020, the League of Women Voters will celebrate the 100th anniversary of our founding. (Read more about our history here.) As we look back on 100 years of achievements, we also will look forward. Our volunteers are working every day to help shape a better future for all.
Our work now
Right now, the LWVUS is supporting the “For the People Act” in the US Senate. This legislation would modernize and reform our election system and restore the Voting Rights Act. The LWVOR is working in the Oregon Legislature on many issues. These include protecting the environment, adequately funding state services, and advancing Oregonians’ rights. The Portland League is working to protect the rights of the people of Multnomah County. In addition, for every election, we provide nonpartisan voting information, so voters will know about the candidates and issues.
The League is proud to be nonpartisan. We neither support nor oppose any candidate or political party. Yet we are always working on vital issues of concern to the public.