Looking Ahead: 2024 LWV Work & Fun

2024 will be a busy year for LWVPDX. We start with important planning for next year and a luncheon.
Engaging League Members
    • Program Planning: We gathered in groups to plan the projects and priorities we will focus upon in 2024-25. This activity is exclusively for League members. Local Leagues throughout the U.S. do “program planning” in January every year. You can read more about this here.
    • The Media Luncheon: On February 14, the anniversary of the League’s founding, members enjoyed a luncheon together. We listened to a panel of journalists discuss our city – the things we value and a vision for the future of Portland. Registration closed on February 9, but you can read more about the event here.


Engaging the Public on Voting and Community Issues
    • Voter Service: For the upcoming elections, we will provide plenty of nonpartisan voter information to the people of Multnomah County. We will register voters and produce our usual print and online voting guides, and recorded candidate interviews and forums. Find out more on our 2024 Primary Voters’ Guide page.  
    • City Government Changes: As Portland’s city government and elections method change in the coming year, LWVPDX will be active in educating our members and the public. We are committed to ensuring that every Portlander knows how to use ranked choice voting and engage with their local government. View our City Charter Reform page for the latest.
    • Community Education: Our usual panel discussions of current issues in our communities will be presented in March and April. Our spring panels will address housing and education. These, along with our voting resources, will be recorded for viewing and listening. Look at our Public Events page for more information.

It’s Time to Get Ready to Vote

Most voters’ ballots arrived in the mail by May 4. Election Day is May 16.

Your vote matters. We have election resources to help you get ready to vote.

This Special District Election is about local measures and candidates. The results will affect local government policies, services for our communities, and taxes to support those services.

Check out our May 2023 Special Election webpage which connects to written explanations of the three Multnomah County  ballot measures. In addition, you’ll find links to candidates’ answers to questions, videos of Voter Forums and candidate interviews for the major races, and podcasts of those forums and interviews.

The measures would: create a new tenant resources program funded by a capital gains tax; finance expanded public safety programs for Gresham with a new tax levy; and renew the Portland Children’s Levy. Also:

    • You can watch or listen to a forum on Multnomah County Measure 26-238. This would create a 0.75% capital gains tax to pay for legal services for tenants facing eviction. Pro and Con speakers present their arguments for and against this measure.
    • Voters throughout Multnomah County will be voting on the candidates running for all the positions on their local school and community college boards. We have recordings of interviews with some of these candidates. There is also a forum in which the candidates for the Portland Public Schools Board from Zone 3 answer questions. One of these candidates, Derrick Peterson, has since withdrawn from this race.
    • We also have a forum for voters in Southeast Portland , who will be electing a new Multnomah County Commissioner for District 3. This seat formerly was held by Jessica Vega-Pederson, who is now the County Chair.

All the candidates running in Multnomah County were offered free opportunities to answer questions for VOTE411.org and to participate in short recorded interviews. They have until Election Day to enter their answers on VOTE411.org. We have posted the recordings of the interviews.

Learn about Charter Reform

The Charter Reform Ballot Measure will be on Portland Voters’ Ballots Nov. 8!  LWV of Portland presented a Live Zoom Webinar about the Measure in September 

Watch the video from this event about how and why the Portland Charter Commission decided to recommend major reforms for Portland’s government structure and our process for electing city officials. Our panelists explained the Charter Commission’s recommended changes.  Attendees were able to ask questions via the Chat feature on Zoom.


    • Julia Meier, the Charter Commission Project Manager
    • Charter Commissioner Candace Avalos
    • Charter Commissioner Becca Uherbelau
    • Charter Commissioner Melanie Billings-Yun

Video & Podcast Available by Sept. 10

The video is posted on our YouTube Channel.  A link is in the post at the top of this webpage.

Major Reforms Were Discussed

    • A City Administrator, supervised by the Mayor, would manage daily operations, including hiring, firing, and supervising bureau directors.
    • The City Council would grow from five to twelve members, with three Councilors elected to represent each of four geographic districts.
    • The Council would make laws, but no longer supervise bureaus. The Mayor may introduce laws and vote to break ties.
    • City elections would use a “ranked choice voting” process that allows voters to rank candidates in order of preference.

Thanks to our media partner and sponsor

MetroEast Community Media records Portland League programs for rebroadcast and online streaming.  Funding was provided by the Carol & Velma Saling Foundation and the Wyss Foundation.

Primary Election May 17, 2022

Thank you for voting and your interest in the election.

Click here to view the Multnomah Co. and statewide results. The results will be certified on June 13.

LWV printed  voters’ guides

The League of Women Voters prepared reliable nonpartisan voting resources for the 2022 Primary Election.  Look on the May 17 Primary Election page for information about the candidates. Gresham voters can find the information about the ballot measure they passed.

Haga clic aqui para leer en línea LA GUÍA DEL VOTANTE 2022.


The last day to register to vote or to change your party affiliation was Tuesday, April 26. Only voters registered as Republicans or Democrats could vote on the candidates running in their party’s primaries. All registered voters could vote on nonpartisan races in their election districts.


Portland School Board Forum

Watch the Video of the Forum with Candidates for the Portland School Board.

Click on the arrow below to hear school board candidates answer questions about district issues and why they are running.

Note that the timer is shown on wide shots, along with the moderator and the seven candidates. In order to assure that each candidate had a fair and equal chance to explain their views, we timed their answers. We asked them to stick to the time limits.

For voters who preferred to watch this video on public access TV, here was the schedule of replays: