February 12 Panel Discussion – video playback

Tuesday, February 12, 2019, 7 – 8:30 PM, Multnomah County Boardroom, 501 SE Hawthorne Boulevard, Portland MetroEast Video Recording Replay Schedule on Public Access stations What is the status of working women in the second decade of the 21st Century? What has changed and what progress is still needed? For years, women have asked for equal pay for equal work, help with childcare and family leave, opportunities for jobs and for advancement in fields that men dominate, and safe workplaces, free from discrimination and harassment. Many women—particularly women of color—still face daunting obstacles to equal opportunities. What can be done Read more…

Watch Juvenile Justice Highlights

How can we improve justice for teens who commit crimes – and improve public safety? This 21-minute video has excerpts from a panel discussion on juvenile justice. You can hear the most important points made by the panel. Learn about the impact Measure 11 (passed by Oregon voters in 1994) has had on teens. Recent research shows how Oregon could make changes to help young offenders become law-abiding adults after their release.