LWV Membership Transformation – Nationwide Changes Coming

In 2025, LWV is switching to a new member portal for all Leagues across the country. Overview of the Membership Changes When the system launches (during the month of February 2025), you will receive an email to log in to the portal, but you will not be asked to renew again until a year after your most recent renewal. You will be given the option to sign up to auto-renew annually, and your membership will last a year after your last renewal. Once you have access to the portal, you will be able to update your own information, including contact Read more…

2024 Election Reflection: Learning and Looking Forward

Our November 20 Panel featured three amazing speakers LWV of Portland’s November Community Education program, “2024 Election Reflection: Learning and Moving Forward,” was held on Wednesday, November 20, 2024, from 7 to 8:30 pm via Zoom.  Watch the video recording or listen to the podcast here!  This fall, Portland is facing big changes. Our election system is shifting to ranked-choice voting for the first time. In January, a new form of city government will be in place. As the ballots are counted and the impacts of this election set in, our panel helps offer perspective, learning, and hope on the Read more…

Voter Information Center – staffed by League volunteers!

Have questions about how to fill in your Portland ballot using ranked choice voting? Have a neighbor or friend with questions? The League of Women Voters is here to help. With Election Day around the corner and Portlanders already filling in their ballots, the League of Women Voters of Portland will staff a free walk-in voter information table to assist voters as they navigate their ranked-choice ballots. If you can’t find your question answered here at our Election Hub or on our FAQ page, stop by in person! Held at the Community for Positive Aging (formerly Hollywood Senior Center), 1820 Read more…