View the video of a Panel Discussion of Privacy and Cybersecurity

On March 10, the League of Women Voters of Portland hosted a program on “Privacy and Cybersecurity Today,” based on a new study by the League of Women Voters of Oregon. 

Now you can view the video of this program to learn about this urgent and timely topic. How can we protect elections? How can you (and businesses you use) protect your personal data?

Click below to view this video:


LWVOR President Becky Gladstone, who was a member of the study committee, will be the featured speaker. She will be joined on the panel by the Director of Multnomah County Elections, Tim Scott, speaking on election security, and Emily Maass, an attorney with expertise on privacy and data protection.


Over the past decade, the public has been alarmed by news of identity theft, cyber attacks on personal accounts, threats to election security, tracking, surveillance, and cyber warfare.  The LWV of Oregon study of these issues began in May 2019 and was completed in February. You can read the entire study online by clicking here.

Learn more about these ongoing compelling issues:

    • Privacy, cybersecurity, and election security
    • Privacy and cybersecurity protections now in effect
    • Current legislation: privacy, cybersecurity, and election security and
    • “Cyber hygiene,” or privacy and transparency protection

Below is the schedule for rebroadcast on cable channels.

The League of Women Voters of Portland’s Civic Education programs are free and open to the publicMetroEast Community Media records these programs for rebroadcast and online streaming from this website. The Carol & Velma Saling Foundation and the Multnomah Bar Foundation provided funding for the recordings. We design our programs to inform our community about current issues.  Please join us for this program and our voter forums in April on the candidates and issues in the Oregon Primary Election.