Climate on an International Scale: Notes from COP26

LWV of Portland Zoom Panel Discussion with LWV members who were at the 2021 UN Climate Conference

WATCH THE VIDEO by clicking below!

Here is the link to the podcast of this program.

MORE ABOUT THIS PROGRAM: The UN’s Climate Conference—the “Conference of the Parties” or COP—is  the official meeting of member states who signed the UN’s climate treaty.  Every year, the parties to the treaty, including the U.S., meet and negotiate various aspects of the treaty.

Seven League of Women Voters members from around the U.S. attended the November 2021 Climate Conference in Glasgow. We heard from five of them on Wednesday, March 9.  The panelists discussed:

    • an Overview of COP26
    • Transparency
    • Indigenous Peoples
    • the Sustainability Innovation Forum, and
    • Finance
    • Gender and Climate

The panel included:

    • Robin Tokmakian, UN Observer for Climate Change for LWVUS; LWV of Portland member
    • Carol Parker, North San Diego LWV
    • Toni Monette, co-president of the Nebraska LWV
    • Ashley Raveche, LWV California
    • Cynthia Bell, Hudson Valley, NY LWV

MetroEast Community Media records Portland League programs for rebroadcast and online streaming from Funding is provided by the Carol & Velma Saling Foundation.

Charter Review Commission Panel – Video & Podcast

Members of the Portland League have been following the work of the Charter Review Commission

Zoom webinar on Commission’s work

We invited the public to join us for the live Zoom presentation of this panel discussion on Wednesday evening February 9. If you missed the live program, you can watch the recording by clicking the arrow below.

Here is the link to the podcast of this program. You should soon be able to find it on your favorite app.

The panel for this presentation included:

      • Julia Meier, the Charter Commission Project Manager
      • Charter Commissioner Candace Avalos
      • Charter Commissioner Amira Streeter
      • Charter Commissioner Melanie Billings-Yun

During the first phase of the Commission’s work, the group has focused on two topics: form of government and city council elections. The League of Women Voters of Portland has been actively following the Commission’s work (Read more about our League’s advocacy to the Commission here.) During this webinar the panel answered questions from LWV members and the public.

MetroEast Community Media records Portland League programs for rebroadcast and online streaming from Funding is provided by the Carol & Velma Saling Foundation. The schedule for replays of this program on community access channels is shown below.

Immigration & Refugee Resettlement

Every year, Oregon offers new homes and a new start to hundreds of refugees who have escaped intolerable conditions in their home countries. Now in late 2021 and 2022, we are preparing for resettling as many as 1,200 new Afghan refugees. In November 2021, the League of Women Voters of Portland presented a panel discussion about the important ways in which Oregon helps immigrants and refugees.

Watch the video of the panel discussion by clicking the arrow below:


The panel included:

  • Shannon Singleton, Governor Brown’s Director of Equity and Racial Justice
  • Lee Po Cha, Executive Director, Immigrant and Refugee Community Organization (IRCO)
  • Safia Iman Ali Noor, Upward Bound Academic Advisor and Administrative Assistant, IRCO
  • Matthew Westerbeck, Director of Refugee Services, Catholic Charities of Oregon
  • Moderator, Kathleen Hersh, co-chair, League of Women Voters of Washington County

MetroEast Community Media records Portland League programs for rebroadcast and online streaming. The Carol & Velma Saling Foundation provided the funding for presenting and recording this program.

Pesticides: Balancing Benefits & Risks

Announcing a new LWV of Oregon Study and LWV of Portland Video on Pesticides

Cover of the LWVOR 2021 Study Report on Pesticide Use in Oregon

What are the best ways to control pests, while also protecting our environment and people’s health? To address these issues, the League of Women Voters of Oregon has published a study report on improving the safe use of pesticides in Oregon. You can read the full study report at the website.

To supplement the study, the Portland League has recorded a panel discussion on what Oregonians should know about pesticides. The video recording of this presentation may be viewed by clicking on the arrow below.

The distinguished panel in the video presentation includes:

    • Amelia Nestler, PhD, Chair of the League Study and Senior Scientist at Northwest Green Chemistry
    • Kevin Masterson, Toxics Coordinator, Oregon Department of Environmental Quality
    • Lisa Arkin, Executive Director, Beyond Toxics
    • Andrea Sonnen, Enforcement Case Reviewer, Interim Pesticides Lead Investigator, Oregon Department of Agriculture – Pesticides Program
    • Stephanie Page, Director, Natural Resources Program Area, Oregon Department of Agriculture (participating for the Q & A)
    • Moderator,Paula Grisafi, Co-Chair of study.

The study identified five key areas of pesticide policy to be considered, with recommendations for action.  These include   1) Education, Training and Labeling, 2) Transparency and Information Gathering, 3) Funding, Research, and Evaluation, 4) Adaptive Management and Integrated Pest Management, and 5) Burden of Proof and the Precautionary Principle.

During the fall of 2021, local Leagues throughout Oregon discussed the study and video.  The goal is to find consensus on how the League should support or oppose policies that will affect the use of pesticides and biocides in the future.

MetroEast Community Media records Portland League programs for rebroadcast and online streaming from . Funding is provided by the Carol & Velma Saling Foundation.

To find recordings of previous LWVPDX panels on community issues, click here.

Watch Our Video on Portland Police Oversight

This excellent video adds valuable information to our study of Portland Police Oversight. Listen as three expert panelists explain the problems we face and the work being done on these difficult issues. The speakers also use slides and stories to make their points.

      • Attorney Carol Johnson reviews some of the main points in the study.
      • Training Advisory Council Chair Shawn Campbell talks about the progress made so far. He also addresses the remaining issues of inequity, use of deadly force and lack of transparency.
      • Then, Representative Janelle Bynum highlights the work of the Oregon Legislature in 2020 and 2021 to address police accountability.

Finally, all three speakers answer questions from the audience to round out the discussion. Click the arrow below to view the video.

This program is also being rebroadcast on public access TV channels. See the schedule below for dates and times.