Electric Vehicles: Can They Deliver on Their Promise?

The video is now available for the March 1st webinar of Dr. Dan Sperling’s talk about the impact of Electric Vehicles (EVs) on carbon reduction. Find out what it will take for EVs to make a measurable difference in greenhouse gas reduction. We are cosponsoring this program with the League of Women Voters of Piedmont, California. To learn more about Dr. Sperling, visit the LWV Piedmont page.

We also co-sponsored the LWV of Piedmont event on the health effects of heat. The recording of that webinar on heat is here.

Watch the Video on Charter Reform

Click the arrow below to watch the video.

This program features members of the Portland Charter Commission. They explain how the charter reform measure would change Portland’s government and elections, if voters pass it in November.

To listen to the podcast of this program, click here.

Listen to LWVPDX PODCASTS on your favorite platform.

You can listen to our shows on Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, or Spotify, or find them in many other directories.

NEW LWVPDX Study of Police Accountability

We are excited and proud to present our new study of the Portland Police Bureau: Oversight and Accountability. For decades, Portlanders have responded to police violence by demanding reforms and better oversight. This study describes both the problems encountered and the progress made. A major section lists the “Opportunities for Change” that will improve safety and fairness for both Portland civilians and the police officers who serve them. As the study’s conclusion states:

Portland’s police and City officials have work ahead to improve police accountability structures and authentic community engagement. The relationship between the public and the police is necessarily a two-way street, demanding mutual participation and investment, to build mutual respect and trust. The League stands ready to continue upholding our part in advancing a public safety environment that is fair, healthy, and just for all.

This study is the product of nine months of work by a 22-member volunteer study committee. Committee members reviewed 55 documents and also interviewed 22 key stakeholders, including police leadership, elected officials, and advocates for change.

Read the study online here.  When this study has been printed, we will send some copies to the county libraries.

Read the Executive Summary of the study here.

An important addition to the study report is the Online Appendix, which you can read here. This not only has links to key source documents, but also brief summaries of each. It offers information that truly enhances the data in the study.

And a Panel Discussion of the Issues!

We also produced a panel discussion about Portland Police Oversight and Accountability. You’ll find the recording above this post. The panelists are:

  • Representative Janelle Bynum, who serves in the Oregon Legislature representing the 51st District, which includes East Portland and cities in east Multnomah County. Rep. Bynum serves as Chair of the House Judiciary Committee and Subcommittee on Equitable Policing. Her legislative proposals in the 2021 session include bills for a database on police use of force, prompt medical assessment for arrested persons, and limits on the use of arbitration to reverse police agency findings of police misconduct.
  • Shawn Campbell, Chair of the Training Advisory Council (TAC) for the Portland Police Bureau. The TAC is a group of civilians who advise the PPB Training Division and Chief of Police. The TAC has outlined how changes in accountability, officer wellness, public safety specialization, procedural justice, and restorative justice could improve public safety.
  • Carol Johnson, JD, MA, an attorney who has spent her career working on civil rights. In 2019, she was appointed to Portland Police Citizen’s Review Committee, which advises the Bureau’s Independent Police Review (IPR). Johnson worked with the Portland League and The Links, Inc. on our newly published study, Portland Police Bureau: Oversight and Accountability.

MetroEast Community Media records our panel discussions and our candidate interviews and forums.

Watch the video: From Houseless to Housing

We are living at a time when many people cannot afford decent housing. But there are creative solutions to the problems these people face.

The three speakers for our “From Houseless to Housing” panel discussion were:

Listen as they explain how their organizations help people overcome the obstacles that made them homeless. The work being done is amazing in its scope.  And the outcomes are inspiring. With housing and supportive services, people can turn their lives around.

Click the arrow below to watch the recording.

You can read more about the speakers here.

(NOTE: Dr. Solotaroff had to cancel unexpectedly just before the program.)

NEW Directory of Elected Officials!

Photo of cover of Directory
Photo of the cover page of the 2021-23 Directory of Elected Officials

We’ve updated our Directory of Elected Officials. Read it by clicking here. You’ll find information about how to contact all the elected representatives who serve people in our area. There are websites, emails, or phone numbers for everyone from President Biden to the directors of the Fire Districts.

When you have a concern about government, you can use this contact info to ask questions or express your opinion. The Directory also has information about political parties and voter registration. Finally, if you need more details about area governments, check out the Contact Elected Officials page of this website.