Announcing a new LWV of Oregon Study and LWV of Portland Video on Pesticides
What are the best ways to control pests, while also protecting our environment and people’s health? To address these issues, the League of Women Voters of Oregon has published a study report on improving the safe use of pesticides in Oregon. You can read the full study report at the website.
To supplement the study, the Portland League has recorded a panel discussion on what Oregonians should know about pesticides. The video recording of this presentation may be viewed by clicking on the arrow below.
The distinguished panel in the video presentation includes:
- Amelia Nestler, PhD, Chair of the League Study and Senior Scientist at Northwest Green Chemistry
- Kevin Masterson, Toxics Coordinator, Oregon Department of Environmental Quality
- Lisa Arkin, Executive Director, Beyond Toxics
- Andrea Sonnen, Enforcement Case Reviewer, Interim Pesticides Lead Investigator, Oregon Department of Agriculture – Pesticides Program
- Stephanie Page, Director, Natural Resources Program Area, Oregon Department of Agriculture (participating for the Q & A)
- Moderator,Paula Grisafi, Co-Chair of study.
The study identified five key areas of pesticide policy to be considered, with recommendations for action. These include 1) Education, Training and Labeling, 2) Transparency and Information Gathering, 3) Funding, Research, and Evaluation, 4) Adaptive Management and Integrated Pest Management, and 5) Burden of Proof and the Precautionary Principle.
During the fall of 2021, local Leagues throughout Oregon discussed the study and video. The goal is to find consensus on how the League should support or oppose policies that will affect the use of pesticides and biocides in the future.
MetroEast Community Media records Portland League programs for rebroadcast and online streaming from . Funding is provided by the Carol & Velma Saling Foundation.
To find recordings of previous LWVPDX panels on community issues, click here.