A LOT is happening!
So many important things are happening at once! Here are links to the posts and pages about them: Future of Healthcare Panel Trust Vote By Mail The Portland Protests Moving Ahead to Better Police Accountability
The League gives testimony or makes a statement
So many important things are happening at once! Here are links to the posts and pages about them: Future of Healthcare Panel Trust Vote By Mail The Portland Protests Moving Ahead to Better Police Accountability
From Protests to Progress In beautiful and mostly peaceful Portland, we have experienced many weeks of civil protests. First, demanding an end to police brutality and systemic racism. Then, also resisting unwarranted and unwanted federal intervention. And finally refocusing on demands for racial justice and police accountability. Portland and Oregon Read more…
You can read the LWV of the US Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Policy here. It begins, “LWV is an organization fully committed to diversity, equity, and inclusion in principle and in practice.” The League works to uphold people’s rights, regardless of their race, age, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, physical ability Read more…
The death of George Floyd has focused attention on the injustice and discrimination African Americans face in our nation. The LWVPDX, along with Leagues around the country, is speaking out against police brutality and racism. For more than 40 years, the Portland League has worked with other organizations to improve Read more…
We are saddened by the recent mass shootings in El Paso,TX and in the “Oregon District” of Dayton, OH. There have now been 251 mass shootings in the US this year! But mass shootings are only part of the problem. We also have too many gun suicides and accidents. Preventing Read more…