Public Post-Secondary Education in Oregon

Post-secondary Education Study Update 2016 In 2013, League of Women Voters of Oregon members voted at convention to study and update their state position on higher education. The scope of the study was to include review of our Public Post-secondary Education position, examining the role of the state and its public educational institutions in meeting the goals and challenges of post-secondary education in the 21st century. Downloadable study files at the links below. Public Post-Secondary Education in Oregon: A Time of Change Study Update (PDF, 54 pages) Executive Summary (PDF, 4 pages) Consensus Questions for Local Leagues (PDF 7 pages) Links Read more…

LWVPDX Comments on EPA Cleanup Plan for Portland Harbor Superfund Site

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s proposed cleanup plan does not adequately address the pollution in the Portland Harbor nor does it provide the level of risk reduction essential to protecting human health and the environment. It is of utmost importance to adopt and implement a thorough cleanup plan for the Portland Harbor that, in addition to removing toxic substances, will have effective, permanent long-term results and reduce the possibility that additional action will be needed in the future. There should be less reliance on the EPA-proposed level of capping and Monitored Natural Recovery (naturally occurring processes that reduce contamination) and Read more…