Videos of Highlights from 2017-18 Civic Programs

What are Highlights Videos? Highlights videos are shortened versions of recorded panel discussions about important civic issues. The League presents these panel discussions during many months of the year. The full discussions often last more than an hour. But now you can see a shorter version with the most important points.  Highlights videos are typically 20 minutes long. View the highlights of what was said by clicking on the titles below. Gun Safety Highlights Oregon Budget Highlights Lobbying the Legislature Highlights Civil Discourse Highlights Homeless Voices Highlights Reducing Portland’s Carbon Footprint Highlights  

Watch the Video on Reducing Portland’ Carbon Footprint

How can we as a city, as individuals and as businesses help solve the problem of climate change and significantly reduce our carbon emissions? The panel discussion hosted by the League of Women Voters of Portland on March 13 addresses these questions. Here are some answers from Michele Crim of the Portland Bureau of Planning and Sustainability, Nancy Hamilton of the Oregon Business Alliance for Climate and Liz Zavodsky of the Northwest Earth Institute. Click below to watch a video of the forum. See more about our current work.

Voices of the Houseless – Video

Watch the LWV of Portland panel discussion with four speakers who have experienced homelessness. The panel members talk about what it was like to be without shelter, how they found solutions for themselves, and what they think can be done to help others who are homeless. The speakers are Damian Blakley, an artist, photographer and advocate for the homeless; Melissa Castor, a resident of Hazelnut Grove tent community, which is now building tiny homes for residents; DeWanna Harris, a manager at Transition Projects, which provides services to help people end their homelessness; and Lisa Larson, a resident of Dignity Village, Read more…

“Promoting Civil Discourse” Review

By Amber Nobe  This season, as we mingle at parties or visit far-away loved ones, discussions of politics could heat up and spiral down—fast!  How can we create bridges to encourage civil civic discourse? At the November Civic Education forum, three experts on free speech and building consensus offered their take. Mat dos Santos (ACLU of Oregon), Michael Mills (PSU National Policy Consensus Center and Oregon Solutions Project Manager), and Wendy Willis (National Policy Consensus Center and Oregon’s Kitchen Table) shared keen insights on the state of current political dialogue, posed questions for us to consider, and provided advice on Read more…