
A major part of the mission of the League of Women Voters is helping voters get good accurate  nonpartisan information about election issues. We are also committed to encouraging all citizens to vote and to protecting voting rights. Click the links below to see the information we are offering for upcoming elections or have offered voters in recent election.

The most recent Multnomah County election was the May 21, 2024 Primary Election.

The next General Election will be the November 5, 2024 General Election. We will produce print, online and video voters’ guides to all the candidates and measures on Multnomah County ballots. We will also have up-to-date information about using ranked-choice voting, so that every vote counts as much as possible.

The most recent General Election for federal candidates, as well as state and local candidates and measures was the November 8, 2022 General Election

Voting in Oregon

Registering to vote in Oregon




How to submit your ballot with Vote-by-Mail

LWV Voters’ Guides in English and Spanish
Online election information on all the candidates and measures on your ballot. Available in English and Spanish.

VOTE411.ORG: For nearly all Multnomah Co. elections, you also can learn about the candidates and measures on your ballot with our online Voters’ Guide,  It has everything that’s in our printed voters’ guides, including candidates’ answers to questions and ballot measures explanations. There are also links to videos of debates, forums and interviews with candidates.

If you need help with this website, click  VOTE411 Instructions.

LWV Voters’ Guides  are published and/or online before every Portland, Multnomah County and Oregon election. You can find printed copies of our Primary and General Election Voters’ Guide at public libraries, and at the Multnomah County Elections offices, at 1040 SE Morrison in Portland and the Gresham Voting Center Express (inside Multnomah County East Bldg.), 600 NE 8th Street, Gresham OR.

LWV Election Videos

For many  local and state elections, we offer videos of Election Forums with candidate debates, as well as ballot measure explanations, pros and cons.  



Especially for Primary and General Elections, we also offer a Video Voters’ Guide, which has videos of interviews with many of the candidates for state and local offices. 

MetroEast logoOur recordings of the forums and candidate interviews are produced with the help of MetroEast Community Media.  They are available for online streaming from our YouTube account and also cablecast by MetroEast. 

Click below for information about Oregon’s major and minor political parties

Political Parties in Oregon