November 2022 Ballot Measures


In the November 8, 2022 General Election, Oregon voters will vote on four state ballot measures. Click on the title for each measure to read the explanation and the main arguments for and against it.


Metro Ballot measure 26-225, Renews local option levy; protects natural areas, water quality, fish (Question: Should Metro protect water quality, fish, natural areas, parks; renew 5-year operating levy, 9.6¢ per $1,000 assessed value, beginning 2023?  This measure renews current local option taxes.)

You can learn about how levy and bond measures affect property taxes here.


Multnomah County Ballot Measure 26-230,  Amends charter: replaces gender binary pronouns with gender neutral terms (Question:  Should County charter be amended to replace gender binary pronouns (including he, she, his, and her) with gender neutral terms?)

Multnomah County Ballot Measure 26-231,  Amends charter: voting rights to be extended as legally allowed (Question: Should charter require County to extend the right to vote, including to noncitizens, to the fullest extent allowed by law?)

Multnomah County Ballot Measure 26-232,  Amends Charter: County officials elected using ranked choice voting; runoff elections eliminated. (Question: Should elections for County offices give voters option of ranking candidates in preferred order, with instant-runoff vote-counting process determining results?)

Multnomah County Ballot Measure 26-233,  Amends charter: annual jail inspections by commissioners with volunteers, reporting. (Question: Should Charter require County Commissioners, with selected volunteers, inspect County jails annually, with interviews, record review, unannounced access, public reports?)

Multnomah County Ballot Measure 26-234,  Amends charter: establishes ombudsperson function in county auditor’s office (Question: Should Charter establish ombudsperson function in Auditor’s office to impartially investigate complaints about County administrative actions, make reports requiring response?)

Multnomah County Ballot Measure 26-235, Amends charter: auditor unrestricted access to information, requires “right-to-audit” clause (Question: Should Charter provide County Auditor timely, unrestricted access to employees, information, records, and require “right-to-audit” clause in County contracts?)

Multnomah County Ballot Measure 26-236, Amends Charter Review Committee qualifications, appointment, length; requires public engagement (Question: Should Charter require County board to appoint Charter Review Committee by Commissioner district for 18-month process with public engagement?)


Portland Charter Amendment, Measure 26-228,  Amends Charter:  Changes Portland’s government structure and process for electing city officials. (Question:  Should Administrator manage city government, 12-member Council (three from each district) make laws, voters elect officials using ranked choice process?)


You can learn about how levy and bond measures affect property taxes here.

Portland Community College Bond Measure 26-224,  Bonds to construct job training space, improve classrooms, safety, technology (Question: Shall Portland Community College renovate and modernize facilities, estimated to maintain current tax rate by issuing $450 million in bonds? If the bonds are approved, they will be payable from taxes on property or property ownership that are not subject to the limits of section 11 and 11b, Article XI of the Oregon Constitution.)

David Douglas School District Measure 26-227, Bonds to Increase Safety, Security; Repair, Update Schools; Vocational Education (QUESTION: Shall District increase safety, security, emergency communication; repair, update schools; construct career education center; issue $140.32 million in bonds? If the bonds are approved, they will be payable from taxes on property or property ownership that are not subject to the limits of sections 11 and 11b, Article XI of the Oregon Constitution.)

Parkrose School District Measure 26-229, Five-Year Operating Levy for Parkrose School District (Question: Shall District retain teachers, classroom assistants by levying one dollar per one thousand dollars assessed value for five years beginning 2023? This measure may cause property taxes to increase more than three percent.)

Alto Park Water District Measure 26-226, Five-Year Local Option Tax for District Operations (Question: Shall the District renew five-year levy of $.60 per $1,000 of assessed value for five years for operating expenses beginning in 2023-2024? This measure renews current local option taxes.)

Corbett Fire District No. 14 Measure 26-237, Corbett Fire District No. 14 General Obligation Bond Authorization (Question: Shall Corbett Fire District No. 14 issue $4,500,000 general obligation bonds to finance capital costs, improvements and equipment? If the bonds are approved, they will be payable from taxes on property or property ownership that are not subject to the limits of sections 11 and llb, Article XI of the Oregon Constitution.)