Environmental Protection

Testimony on Environmental Issues in the Portland area

Comments submitted to the Oregon Department of Environmental Quality regarding concerns about the environmental and health impacts of Intel’s Air Quality Permit Modification, March 8, 2024. These comments were submitted by the LWV of Portland together with the Washington County Unit of the League of Women Voters of Oregon.

LWVPDX Testimony to the Portland Bureau Transportation advocating that the Portland Pedestrian Design Guide prioritize planting large trees to protect the health and well-being of all residents and combat rising temperatures in residential communities -April 2022

LWVPDX Testimony to the Portland Bureau of Planning and Sustainability and the Portland Bureau of Transportation expressing concerns about building an extension of the Portland Streetcar line on prime industrial land – March 2022

LWVPDX Testimony to Oregon Senate Committee on on Energy and Environment, in support of SB 1518 (Local Option to Adopt Reach Code) February 2022

LWV Memo to EPA on Superfund Modification Dec 2018

LWV Fossil Fuel Terminals Nov 2016

LWV  Fossil Fuel Terminals Sept 2016

LWV Fossil Fuel Terminals July 2016

♦LWV Comments on Proposed Plan for the Portland Harbor Superfund Site Sept 2016

LWV Memo to City Council Portland Superfund Site Aug 2016

LWV Testimony Fossil Fuel Infrastructure Nov 2015

LWV Testimony Fossil Fuels/Climate Action Plan Nov 2015