Note: the League of Women Voters encourages all candidates, including those who are unopposed, to inform voters about their experience and their ideas. We carefully write questions for judicial candidates to avoid asking about how they might decide on specific cases. But we do ask general questions about their attitudes and qualifications. If you would like to know more about the unopposed candidates, please ask them to participate in the Voters’ Guide.

The following information is copied from the information that the candidates themselves submitted for and for the League of Women Voters Multnomah County Voters’ Guide for the November 3, 2020 General Election.

Judge of the Oregon Supreme Court, Position 4

Christopher L Garrett (nonpartisan, unopposed) Judge Garrett has not yet responded to our questions. However, a short biography of Judge Garrett is available on the Oregon State Courts website here.

Judge of the Oregon Court of Appeals, Position 9

Jacqueline S Kamins (nonpartisan, unopposed) Judge Kamins has not yet responded to our questions. However, a short biography of Judge Kamins is on the Oregon State Courts website here.

Judge of the Circuit Court, District 4, Position 12

These two candidates also participated in an LWVPDX candidate forum which you can view here.

Judge of the Circuit Court, District 2, Position 26

Steffan Alexander (nonpartisan, unopposed) Judge Alexander has not yet responded to our questions. Here  is his profile from the Multnomah Bar Association.