Privacy Policy

Who we are

Our website address is: This is the official website of the League of Women Voters of Portland, Oregon and the League of Women Voters of Portland Education Fund.

Privacy Policy

Visitors to the website operated by the League of Women Voters of Portland will have their Internet Protocol (“IP”) address and certain other data logged so that the League can compile statistics useful in managing and improving the site.

We use Google Analytics to learn how many visitors come to our web pages about the programs and services we provide. Google may place “cookies” on your web browser to track information about the pages you visit on our site. You can read Google’s Privacy Policy here. You can read more about “cookies” here. Google Analytics provides to us general aggregated data about visitors to our web pages. This data is anonymous and shows us only statistical data about how many visitors come to our website, the webpages visited, and time spent on the pages. Google Analytics may also provide general aggregated information about  visitors’  locations, age ranges, genders and interests, when Google has access to this information. To prevent Google from collecting your data, you can install an opt-out browser add-on.

Our site connects to our YouTube and Buzzsprout accounts. We use data from these sites to learn how many people view our videos and listen to our podcasts.

In addition, we use Akizmet Anti-Spam to block spam comments on our website. We never see these spam comments.

Anyone wishing to join the League, receive our newsletters, or to make a donation may be asked to provide additional contact information, such as name, street address, city, state, zip code, phone number, and email address.

Any donations made through the website will be processed by PayPal. The PayPal privacy policy is available at:

The League will not rent, sell, or trade visitors’ email addresses or phone numbers with any third party. The League may, from time to time, share the name and mailing address of its non-member financial supporters with other nonprofit organizations, including the League of Women Voters of Oregon.

Individuals who have shared their personal information with us and want to review or correct their information may contact the League office ( They may also request that the League withhold mailing information from any mailing list exchanges with other nonprofit organizations.