May 19, 2020 Primary Election

Vote By Mail – Mail your ballot by Thursday, May 14. Free postage.

If you miss the May 14 deadline to mail your ballot, you can deposit it at an official ballot drop site. For your ballot to count, make sure to drop it off before 8 PM on Election Day, May 19, 2020.


Online Voting Guide

The League of Women Voters of Portland and have posted balanced nonpartisan information about the many candidates running for office in Multnomah County, as well as the three ballot measures that will be on voters primary election ballots. The website is now live, with information about the candidates and measures. Videos and other information will be added as they become available.

Printed and Online Voters’ Guides in English and Spanish

Below are links to the 2020 Oregon and Multnomah County Primary Election Voters’ Guide in English and in Spanish.

A limited number of print copies of the Primary Election Multnomah County & Oregon Voters’ Guide will be available at two locations for Multnomah County Elections.

      • 1040 SE Morrison in Portland (after April 17) and
      • the Gresham Voting Center Express (inside Multnomah County East Bldg.), 18480 Stark St. (after April 27 as this location is only open in election season).

League Volunteer Delivery – As long as supplies last, League volunteers will deliver print copies of the Voters’ Guide to homes, organizations, or congregate living facilities, for people who need the print versions. Contact the League at (503-228-1675 or Leave name, address, phone number and number of copies in English and/or Spanish. A volunteer who lives in the area will leave the Voters’ Guide(s) at the address and call that they have been delivered.

Primary Election Video Voters’ Guide

For this Primary Election, the League is also offering a Video Voters’ Guide. All candidates running for elected office in Multnomah County were invited to be interviewed. Sixty-six candidates accepted our invitation. Their interviews are posted here.

Secretary of State Forums

The League of Women Voters of Deschutes County and the City Club of Central Oregon conducted and recorded the following forums for the candidates running for Oregon Secretary of State in the 2020 Democratic and Republican Primaries.

Guia del Votante

Haga cliC abajo para leer en línea la Guía del Votante.

Guía del Votante – Oregon

Guía del Votante – Multnomah

Su voto es importante. Lea estas guías, ediciónes para el estado de Oregon y el condado de Multnomah, preparadas por La Liga de Mujeres Votantes. Allí se encuentra información no-partidaria sobre el pensamiento de los varios candidatos acerca de los intereses del votante. También, aclara las medidas de la papeleta con información no partidista sobre cada medida.

¿Cómo funciona el voto por correo?

Todas elecciones en Oregon son conducidas por la oficina electoral del condado. La oficina electoral envía las boletas por correo directamente a los votantes. Los votantes llenan sus boletas y luego las devuelven a la oficina electoral del condado por correo o las depositan en una caja de votación oficial.

Envíe su boleta en el sobre de devolución con franqueo gratuito antes del 14 de mayo de 2020.

O entregue su boleta en un sitio de entrega oficial o en una biblioteca antes de las 8:00 p. m. del día de las elecciones, el 19 de mayo de 2020.

¡Sea un votante!