About Studies and Study Committees

Study Committees are formed from the program-planning process.  Committee members research and analyze the issues adopted for study by the national, state or local membership conventions. Studies usually take two years and involve gathering information through reading source documents about the topics being studied and interviewing experts, elected officials, government agency representatives and others who are involved in working on the issues. The studies conclude with written reports, community education programs, and member discussions. If there is member agreement about the results of the study, a new or revised advocacy position may be adopted.

LWV of Portland Study of Police Accountability – 2020-21

We have completed our study of Police Accountability in Portland!

Read the study here: Portland Police Bureau: Oversight and Accountability

Read the Executive Summary here.

Read the online Appendix with details of the source materials here.

Scope: The study’s focus is on the disciplinary process, accountability, investigation of complaints about officer conduct, police training and policies around use of force.

The 22-member committee completed the study in  nine months. Their work included:

    • Reviewing 55 documents about:
        • the present disciplinary and investigation system
        • the changes recommended by outside experts
        • which recommendations have been adopted, which have not, and why
    • Interviewing 22 stakeholders inside and outside the bureau
    • Writing a report covering
        • improvements made over the last few years that seem to be working
        • a detailed description of the structural barriers to fair and consistent discipline of staff who take action that is not in line with bureau policy
        • Opportunities for change
LWV of Portland Restudy of Portland’s City Government – 2019

The LWV of Portland membership voted to restudy Portland’s City Government in 2017-19, with the goal of updating our current advocacy position. The City Government study committee’s work was guided by the study proposal adopted by members at the 2017 Convention. Here is the final study report published in September 2019.

After League of Women Voters of Portland members read the study and attended the public program about Portland’s City Government on November 12, 2019, they met in groups to discuss the study and answer “consensus questions.” A consensus committee used the members’ answers to update our advocacy position on Portland’s City Government.

Here is the new City Government position that was approved in January 2020.

LWV of Oregon Studies

In 2020-21, some members of the Portland League were involved in helping with two League of Women Voters of Oregon studies.

Previous Studies

Previous LWVPDX Studies are being scanned in as time allows. If you have time, please volunteer to help with this project. Call the office at 503-228-1675.

Electronic copies of LWVPDX studies:

The City That Works: Preparing Portland for the Future (2019)

Economic Development and the Portland Development Commission (2015)

Public School Districts in Portland: Equity, Governance and Process (2011)

Juvenile Justice Update (2006)

Portland Neighborhood Associations – Part I History (2005)

Portland Neighborhood Associations – Part II Today (2006)

Portland Neighborhood Associations – Survey (2005-06)

Update on Multnomah County Government (2004)

Update on Multnomah County Library System (2004)

Update on Juvenile Justice Positions (2003)

City Government – Portland OR (1991)

City Government – Portland OR (1990)

See the LWV Oregon archive of previous studies

Studies by Leagues in other states and studies of national issues may be found by searching the topic (e.g. “immigration” or “agriculture”) at the LWVUS Clearinghouse