Contact Us

Contact us via Mail, Phone or email

We welcome your questions, comments, and, of course, your support! Please use the mailing address, phone number and email below to contact the LWV of Portland. Click our Donate link to send a donation via PayPal or credit card. You may also send a check to our mailing address. (NOTE: We  do not receive USPS mail at our office.)

Mailing address:

PO Box 3491, Portland, OR 97208-3491




Office Hours

Usually Mon – Thu, 9 am – 2 pm

Meeting with LWVPDX leaders:

By appointment. Currently most meetings are being held virtually, although we occasionally schedule in-person meetings. Please use the above email address or phone to request a meeting or conversation with a LWVPDX leader. See also the email addresses for specific board members on our Board and Off-Board Leaders page.

Office closures

We do not monitor the phones or emails on federal holidays. Currently our office is not open to visitors and does not receive USPS mail.