About These Coloring Pages
- See the links at the bottom of this page to download this and other coloring pages.
- See the links at the bottom of this page to download this and other coloring pages.
- See the links at the bottom of this page to download this and other coloring pages.
Audrey Zunkel-DeCoursey, a member of the LWVPDX Board, created these coloring pages. You can download them for a fun coloring project for kids or adults. Audrey wrote the following explanation.
Use of these coloring pages is available for free to any person or non-profit entity that would use them to advance the spirit of justice and democracy.
Several of these phrases did not originate with me. They are offered in this form as a way to spread the word and invigorate energy for justice seekers. As you color and meditate on the messages, consider educating yourself further about the movements from which these phrases originated – and then take action.
“Black Lives Matter” is a phrase by Alicia Garza, Patrisse Cullors, and Opal Tometi, three radical Black organizers, in 2013 as a Black-centered political movement in response to the acquittal of Trayvon Martin’s murderer, George Zimmerman.
“El Pueblo Unido Jamas sera Vencido” is a cry for solidarity often heard at protests worldwide, from a phrase from a 1973 song by the Chilean folk music group Quilapayún. The Spanish words mean “The people united will never be defeated.”
“Nevertheless, she persisted” is a quote from Senator Mitch McConnell about Senator Elizabeth Warren, who vocalized her opposition to Jeff Sessions’ confirmation as U.S. Attorney General, in 2017.
“Choose Kindness” is a good idea and also a saying from the grassroots Spreading Kindness Campaign out of Eugene and Springfield, Oregon.
Here are links to the pdfs of these and other coloring pages. When you open them in Google Drive, you can see the designs and download pdf copies to print by clicking on the three vertical dots at the top right. If you have difficulty downloading them, please notify communications@lwvpdx.org.