2021 Program Planning


The program planning process for 2021-2022 began in January 2021 with member discussions. In previous years, members met in person. In 2021, we met via Zoom.

Each discussion group discussed a cluster of issues. In addition, each group reviewed the League’s current advocacy positions that apply to these issues. They considered these questions:

    • Which of these issues should be a focus for League activities in the next few years?
    • Are the positions still adequate?
    • Do they need to be updated?
    • Do we need a new in-depth study of one or more of the issues?
    • Should we advocate on these issues, offer civic education programs, or create an interest group to learn more about what’s needed?

An article about the discussion groups was in the LWVPDX December 2020 eVoter newsletter and reminders were sent in January. They included the following list of topics and schedule.

2021 Topics & Meeting Times

Note: Members could participate in as many discussion meetings as they wanted. (Dates are in 2021.)

You can read the LWVPDX studies that led to the Portland LWV positions here. The archive of past LWVOR studies is here. You can find links to the national LWVUS studies, plus some studies done by other local and state Leagues here.

Definitions for Program Planning

The LWV has special definitions for some of the words we use in program planning. Here are the definitions  for what we are mean when we say,  “program,” “position,” “action,” “Interest Group,” “study,” “consensus,” and “concurrence.”


Discussion leaders sent their groups’ recommendations to the LWVPDX Board. Recommendations for Oregon studies and positions were forwarded to the LWV of Oregon Board. Below you can see a flowchart showing the whole month-by-month process. The process concluded at the LWV conventions in May. At that time, the membership voted on whether to approve the final proposed studies and position recommendations.

Flowchart designed by LWVPDX Board Member Audrey Zunkel-deCoursey