2021 Candidates – Water District Boards

The following answers to LWV questions are copied from the information that the candidates themselves submitted for VOTE411.org. All candidates were invited to submit their biographical information and to answer our questions.

Candidates may enter their information up until Election Day, May 18. Please urge candidates to provide information to voters, if they haven’t done so yet. We provide this service for free to candidates and voters.

Water District Boards oversee the provision of a safe, adequate water supply for people in the districts they serve. The board is responsible for developing policies and procedures and a budget.
Although the Alto Park District is named a water district, it no longer provides water services. Instead it provides fire protection. Thus we have also listed it with the fire districts. Here is a link to a document explaining this.

Alto Park Water District Board- Position 2

Kristi L Easterlin has not responded yet. She is a current member of the board.

Alto Park Water District Board- Position 4

Gregory Herrenbruck has not responded yet. He is a current member of the board.

Burlington Water District website

Burlington Water District Board – Position 1

No candidate filed.

Burlington Water District Board – Position 2 (unexpired term)

Lauren Golar has not responded yet.

Burlington Water District Board – Position 5

No candidate filed.

Corbett Water District Website

Corbett Water District Board –  Position 2

Kelly D Piper has not responded yet.

Corbett Water District Board –  Position 4

Sara Grigsby has not responded yet. She is a current member of the Board.

Lusted Water District website

Lusted Water District Board – Position 1 (unexpired term)

Louie Mal has not responded yet. He is a current member of the board.

Lusted Water District Board – Position 2

Julie Fiedler has not responded yet. She is a current member of the board.

Lusted Water District Board – Position 4

Darren K Eki has not responded yet.

Pleasant Home Water District website

Pleasant Home Water District Board – Position 1

Jim Carlson has not responded yet. However, he has a statement on page M-61 of the Multnomah County Voters’ Pamphlet. He is a current member of the board.
Daryl Zinser has not responded yet.

Pleasant Home Water District Board – Position 2

Ian Hawes has not responded yet. He is a current member of the board.

Pleasant Home Water District Board – Position 4

Kristin Cook has not responded yet. She is a current member of the board.

View the Tualatin Valley Water District Website here.

Tualatin Valley Water District Board – Position 1

Bernice Bagnall has not responded yet. She is a current member of the board.

Tualatin Valley Water District Board – Position 2

Dick Schmidt, Retired Lab Analyst. He is a current member of the Board.
Town Where You Live – Aloha, Oregon
Your Experience/Qualifications – City of Portland Bureau of Environmental Services: Industrial Stormwater Permit Manager; City of Portland Office of Sustainable Development: Environmental Tech; City of Portland Water Pollution Control Laboratory: Analyst; Water, Food and Research Laboratory: Laboratory Analyst; Umatilla Army Depot Activity: Laboratory Analyst; Century West Engineering: Chemist; Teledyne Wah Chang: Laboratory Analyst
County – Washington
Term 2021-2025


1. How would you improve communication about water conservation and the work being done by the District within with the communities you serve?

Dick Schmidt: Tualatin Valley Water District maintains an ongoing conservation education program. Clean water is a precious resource. Our future depends on maintaining a sustainable supply of high-quality water. We must use the highest scientific standards to provide superior drinking water, while facing the challenges of continued growth on the existing water supply.

Keeping the public informed about conservation efforts and resources is an important part of who we are. Conservation isn’t just something you do now and then. It’s a lifestyle, using water wisely both inside the home and outside, from the kitchen tap to the hose bib. I think our education efforts promote that, from reaching out to customers using today’s technology to helping young people understand the importance of conservation with school outreach programs.

2. What are your ideas for how best to provide an adequate and uninterrupted supply of safe and clean water to residents of the district at a reasonable cost?

Dick Schmidt: We never stop working toward long-term water security and rate stability. The plan to obtain our own principal water source and treatment plant for Tualatin Valley Water District ratepayers is on track. It will ease our dependence on outside sources and provide a critically-needed additional source to serve future generations. Now, more than ever, we need to ensure our water security, affordability and control over costs – and our future. This effort has been a years-long process, and it is well on the way to completion.

3. What experience do you have in budgeting for an organization of this size? What other experiences or skills do you have that will contribute to your service as a board member?

Dick Schmidt: The District’s budget committee is comprised of TVWD Board members, staff and volunteer members from the community with expertise in budget and finance. It is a broad and diverse group that brings a wide range of expertise and voice to the process and, ultimately, the financial stability that TVWD has maintained for many years.

I have spent a large part of my career in analytical laboratories specializing in water, wastewater and stormwater. Nearly 20 years of that at the City of Portland, where I worked as an analyst in the Water Pollution Control Lab, as a code specialist in the Office of Sustainable Development and as a stormwater permit manager in the Bureau of Environmental Services. My interest in continuing to serve on the Tualatin Valley Water District Board of Commissioners stems from a lifelong interest in water chemistry and quality, and a desire to use my knowledge and experience to benefit the community.

Tualatin Valley Water District Board – Position 3

Jim Duggan has not responded yet. However, he has a statement on page M-61 of the Multnomah County Voters’ Pamphlet. He is a current member of the board.

Valley View Water District Board – Position 2

Michael Doerr has not responded yet. He is a current member of the board.

Valley View Water District Board – Position 4

Richard Leonard has not responded yet. He is a current member of the board.

Valley View Water District Board – Position 5

John B Ossmann has not responded yet. He is a current member of the board.