LWVPDX Letter to Judge Michael Simon for the Status Conference Fairness Hearing on the Department of Justice Settlement Agreement, with specific comments on the Independent Monitor, concerns about proposed changes to the police oversight system approved by voters, and funding for Portland Street Response – May 2024.

Letter to the Portland City Council expressing the League’s concerns about participation of the Portland Police Bureau with the FBI’s Joint Terrorism Task Force-January 2024.

Oral testimony by LWVPDX President Carolyn Buppert to the Portland City Council on proposed revisions to City Code for the proposed Community Board for Police Accountability, November 15, 2023

In Our Opinion, guest column supporting the police oversight system proposed by the Police Accountability Commission, September 20, 2023

LWVPDX Letter to Judge Michael Simon for the Status Conference – Fairness Hearing on the Department of Justice Settlement Agreement, August 2023

LWVPDX Comments to City Council regarding the Police Accountability Commission (PAC), August 2023

LWVPDX Comments on Portland Street Response Policy Changes, June 2023

LWV Testimony to City Council regarding the 2023 OIR Group Report on Police Officer-Involved Shootings – April 2023

LWV Letter to Judge Michael Simon on the Status Conference for the Fairness Hearing re the Department of Justice Settlement Agreement (United States of America v.City of Portland) – February 2023

LWV Letter to Judge Michael Simon on the Fairness Hearing re the Department of Justice Settlement Agreement -April 2022

Letter to Police Chief Lovell thanking him for recent positive steps to improve the culture of the Police Bureau – February 2022

Testimony to City Council about the Joint Terrorism Task Force Annual Report – January 2022

Testimony to City Council on Amendments to the Settlement Agreement between the U.S.
Department of Justice and City of Portland – January 2022

Testimony to City Council Supporting Expansion of the Public Safety Support Specialists program in the Police Bureau and requesting that a portion of the extra funds available through the fall budget adjustment process be used to purchase vehicles and other equipment needed by the expanded team of support specialists – November 2021.

Testimony to City Council Supporting Expansion of the Portland Street Response (PSR) program – October 2021. Link to PSU report

LWV Letter to Judge Michael Simon on Portland Police Bureau 2020-2021 compliance with the US Department of Justice Settlement Agreement, August 2021

LWV Comments for City Council regarding the Portland Police Bureau Report to City Council on the Joint Terrorism Task Force, January 2021

LWV Comments to City Council regarding the Portland Police Bureau 2019 Annual Report and compliance with the Department of Justice Settlement Agreement, December 2020 

LWV Letter to City Council regarding the OIR Report on Officer Involved Shootings and Deaths in Custody, September 2020

LWV Testimony to Portland City Council on the proposed police oversight charter amendment, July 2020.

LWV “In Our Opinion” column in The Oregonian about improvements needed in Portland’s system of police oversight, July 2020

LWV Letter to Judge Michael Simon re U.S. Department of Justice Settlement Agreement and continuing oversight by the Portland Committee on Community Engaged Policing and public involvement, February 2020

LWV Letter to City Council regarding Joint Terrorism Annual Report and allowing public comments, January 2020

LWV Letter to Mayor Ted Wheeler, Police Chief Jami Resch, and City Council re Prohibition on Oral Testimony about the Joint Terrorism Task Force Annual Report, January 2020

LWV Letter to City Council on Public Involvement in the Process Leading to Negotiations on Portland Police Association Contract, December 2019

LWV Letter of Appreciation to City Council for Organizing Community Forums on the Portland Police Association Contract, November 2019

LWV Comments on the Portland Police Bureau Community Engagement Plan, October 2019

LWV Testimony on Public Involvement in the Portland Police Association Contract Negotiations, July 2019

LWV Testimony in to Judge Simon US District Court regarding Portland Committee on Community-Engaged Policing and other issues of police oversight, June 2019

LWV Testimony to City Council on Joint Terrorism Task Force Feb 2019

LWV Memorandum to City Council on OIR Group Recommendation Feb 2019

LWV Memorandum to City Council on proposed time, place and manner regulations for demonstrations – November 2018

LWV Memorandum to Judge Simon on the Interim Status Conference about the U.S. Dep’t of Justice Settlement Agreement and the Portland Committee on Community-Engaged Policing (PCCEP) – October 2018

LWV Testimony at Fairness Hearing on U.S. Dep’t of Justice Settlement Agreement-April 2018

LWV Testimony on the OIR Group Report on Portland Police Bureau Officer-Involved Shootings – February 2018

LWV Testimony on the proposed Portland Committee on Community-Engaged Policing (PCCEP) August 2017

LWV Testimony on Independent Police Review Code Changes April 2017

LWV Testimony on Citizens Oversight Advisory Board (COAB) January 2017

♦LWV Testimony on Proposed Changes to Police Misconduct Complaint and Appeal Process, September 2016

LWV Testimony on Portland Police Assn Contract Sept 2016

♦LWV Testimony on Proposed Changes to Police Accountability Processes in City Code, August 2016

Independent Police Review Division website

Link to OIR Group Report to the City of Portland on Portland Police Bureau Officer-Involved Shootings and In-Custody Deaths

♦LWV Testimony on the OIR Group report on shootings and in-custody deaths January 2016

♦LWV Testimony on Fall Budget Adjustment:  Independent Police Review Division Investigators October, 2015

Link to Independent Police Review Division 2014 Annual Report