On this page, LWVPDX members and community partners can find outreach materials for use in helping educate our communities and neighbors for the 2024 Election. Find PDFs for printing and graphic files for use online.

Community partners that are hosting LWVPDX speakers can share these materials to educate your members before our presentations:

  • Run a blurb on your website
  • Print copies of the flyers for your worship bulletin, a stack in your lobby, or a community bulletin board
  • Add a graphic to your digital newsletter

Thank you for your help getting the word out to our neighbors!

Blurb for your newsletter

Copy this text to help share valuable resources with your community:

Want to learn more about the changes coming to Portland’s election system and form of government?  The League of Women Voters is here to help!

This November, Portlanders will experience a new voting method when the city introduces ranked-choice voting to elect its top elected officials. The League of Women Voters of Portland is educating community members across the city about ranked-choice voting and other changes coming to Portland’s government. Learn more from their free, nonpartisan resources at their website: www.lwvpdx.org.


This November, Portlanders will experience a new voting method when the city introduces ranked-choice voting to elect its top elected officials. The League of Women Voters of Portland is a nonpartisan, non-profit organization that is educating community members across the city about ranked-choice voting and other changes coming to Portland’s government. Learn more from their resources at their website (www.lwvpdx.org) or at their presentation to [our community] on [date, time] at [location].

Flyer about VOTE411 League resources

Printable flyers for community groups and faith communities

Flyer or worship bulletin insert, 8.5×5.5″:

Flyer or worship bulletin insert, 8.5×7″:

Electronic images to add to your newsletter

A tall and skinny ad as a .png file:

A small square ad in black and white as a .png file:

Small LWVPDX postcard as a PDF for printing:

Educational handouts on ranked-choice voting and Portland’s new city government

Ranked-choice voting handout:

Know your new government handout:

Note: If using our materials, please do not alter them. Please attribute the source as the League of Women Voters of Portland. Only members designated by the LWVPDX President may speak on behalf of the League; however, everyone is welcome to start conversations and share their knowledge!

Questions? Email info@lwvpdx.org.